Société [____________] Monthly information regarding the total number of voting rights and total number of shares of the Company

(Article 223-16 of the General Regulations of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers)

Market : Euronext Paris ISIN Code: FR 0010259150


Total number of shares

Total number of voting rights

May 31, 2016


Total gross of voting rights: 131,126,401

Total net* of voting rights: 130,172,042

* Total net = total number of voting rights attached to shares - shares without voting rights

La Sté Ipsen SA a publié ce contenu, le 07 June 2016, et est seule responsable des informations qui y sont renfermées.
Les contenus ont été diffusés par Public non remaniés et non révisés, le15 June 2016 15:08:04 UTC.

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