Gouvernance Kuehne und Nagel International AG




Frêt aérien et logistique

Marché Fermé - Swiss Exchange 17:31:16 19/02/2025 Varia. 5j. Varia. 1 janv.
211,50 CHF +0,52 % Graphique intraday de Kuehne und Nagel International AG +0,95 % +1,78 %

Comité Exécutif: Kuehne und Nagel International AG

Fonctions occupéesDepuis
Stefan Paul

Stefan Paul

56 ans

Chief Executive Officer 01/08/2022
Christopher G. Combe

Christopher G. Combe

Investor Relations Contact -
Marc Pfeffer

Marc Pfeffer

54 ans

General Counsel 01/01/2014
Corporate Secretary 01/01/2019
Sarah Kreienbühl

Sarah Kreienbühl

55 ans

Human Resources Officer 01/04/2023
Markus Blanka-Graff

Markus Blanka-Graff

58 ans

Director of Finance/CFO 01/07/2014
Martin Kolbe

Martin Kolbe

64 ans

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 01/01/2005

Composition du Conseil d'Administration: Kuehne und Nagel International AG

Jörg Wolfgang Wolle

Jörg Wolfgang Wolle

67 ans

Compensation Committee Chair
Nominating Committee Chair
Compensation Committee 01/09/2019
Nominating Committee 01/09/2019
Karl Gernandt

Karl Gernandt

64 ans

Audit Committee 29/01/2014
Compensation Committee Chair 01/05/2016
Nominating Committee Chair 01/05/2016
Finance Committee 29/01/2014
HR Committee 29/01/2014
Nominating Committee 29/01/2014
Hauke Stars

Hauke Stars

57 ans

Compensation Committee 01/05/2019
Nominating Committee 01/01/2022
Executive Committee 01/01/2022
HR Committee 28/04/2021
Audit Committee 01/02/2022
Anne-Catherine Berner

Anne-Catherine Berner

61 ans

Compensation Committee 01/01/2019
HR Committee 01/01/2019
Audit Committee 16/07/2024
Compensation Committee Chair 16/07/2024
Martin Wittig

Martin Wittig

61 ans

Audit Committee Chair 19/05/2021
Audit Committee 01/01/2020
Tobias B. Staehelin

Tobias B. Staehelin

47 ans

Nominating Committee 16/03/2017
Vesna Nevistic

Vesna Nevistic

60 ans

Audit Committee 01/05/2023
Dominik Bürgy

Dominik Bürgy

59 ans

Audit Committee 01/01/2020
Dominik de Daniel

Dominik de Daniel

49 ans

Director/Board Member 08/05/2024
Klaus-Michael Kuehne

Klaus-Michael Kuehne

88 ans

Director/Board Member 01/01/2011

Anciens Dirigeants et Administrateurs: Kuehne und Nagel International AG

Fonctions occupées
David Kamenetzky
David Kamenetzky
Director/Board Member 07/05/2019 08/05/2024
Lothar Alexander Harings
Lothar Alexander Harings
Human Resources Officer 01/04/2009 01/06/2023
Corporate Secretary 16/09/2010 01/06/2023
Renato Fassbind
Renato Fassbind
Director/Board Member 01/01/2011 02/02/2023
Independent Dir/Board Member 01/01/2011 02/02/2023
Jürgen Fitschen
Jürgen Fitschen
Director/Board Member 30/04/2008 07/05/2019
Hans Lerch
Hans Lerch
Director/Board Member 01/01/2005 07/05/2019
Tim Scharwath
Tim Scharwath
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/2004 01/10/2016
Bernd Wrede
Bernd Wrede
Director/Board Member 01/01/1999 10/05/2016
Independent Dir/Board Member 01/01/1999 10/05/2016
Gianfranco Sgro
Gianfranco Sgro
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/02/2015 -
Gerard van Kesteren
Gerard van Kesteren
Director of Finance/CFO 01/01/1989 01/07/2014
Public Communications Contact 01/01/1989 01/07/2014
Reinhard Lange
Reinhard Lange
Corporate Officer/Principal 04/06/2013 10/06/2013
President 10/09/2007 15/08/2013
Detlef Trefzger
Detlef Trefzger
Director/Board Member 01/08/2022 -
Chief Executive Officer 15/08/2013 01/08/2022
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/03/2013 15/08/2013
Dirk Reich
Dirk Reich
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/1995 30/11/2012
Corporate Secretary 02/09/2009 30/11/2012
Wolfgang Peiner
Wolfgang Peiner
Director/Board Member 02/09/2009 -
Peter Ulber
Peter Ulber
Corporate Officer/Principal 02/09/2009 01/09/2011
Hans-Jörg Hager
Hans-Jörg Hager
Director/Board Member 01/01/2009 -
Xavier Urbain
Xavier Urbain
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/2006 01/01/2009
Klaus Herms
Klaus Herms
President - 10/09/2007
Horst-Joachim Schacht
Horst-Joachim Schacht
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/1999 -
Georg Obermeier
Georg Obermeier
Director/Board Member 01/01/1992 -
Joachim Hausser
Joachim Hausser
Director/Board Member 02/09/2009 -
Thomas Staehelin
Thomas Staehelin
Director/Board Member 01/01/1978 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 01/01/1978 -
Friedrich Nagel
Friedrich Nagel
Founder - -
August Kühne
August Kühne
Founder - -
Karl Olaf Petters
Karl Olaf Petters
Public Communications Contact - -
Maximilian Ardelt
Maximilian Ardelt
Chairman - -
Inge Lauble-Meffert
Inge Lauble-Meffert
Public Communications Contact 02/09/2009 -
Inken Heeb
Inken Heeb
Public Communications Contact 02/08/2011 -
Martin Spohn
Martin Spohn
Public Communications Contact 01/08/2011 -
Robert Cathomas
Robert Cathomas
Public Communications Contact 02/09/2009 -
Hedwig Kasteliz
Hedwig Kasteliz
Public Communications Contact 04/08/2009 -
Andrea Kobi
Andrea Kobi
Investor Relations Contact - -
Siew Loong Wong
Siew Loong Wong
Corporate Officer/Principal - -

Distribution de l'Âge des Dirigeants

Parité Homme Femme

Homme 16
Femme 4

Dont comité exécutif

Homme 5
Femme 1

Dont Administrateurs

Homme 8
Femme 2


Révisions CA 1 an
Révisions CA 4 mois
Révisions CA 1 mois
Révisions BNA 1 an
Révisions BNA 4 mois


ESG : Environnement
ESG : Social
ESG : Gouvernance
ESG : Polémique
ESG : Controverses Ethiques
ESG : Controverses sur les droits de l'Homme
ESG : Controverses Subventions fiscales
ESG : Conforme à la finance Islamique
Logo Kuehne und Nagel International AG
Kuehne und Nagel International AG figure parmi les principaux prestataires mondiaux de transport et de services logistiques. Le CA par activité se répartit comme suit : - prestations de transport (80%) : prestations de transport maritime (45,1% du CA), aérien (36,3%) et terrestre (18,6%). En outre, le groupe propose des prestations de courtage d'assurance ; - prestations de services logistiques sous-contrats (20%) : notamment prestations d'entreposage et de distribution. La répartition géographique du CA est la suivante : Europe-Moyen Orient-Afrique (53,9%), Amérique (31,2%) et Asie-Pacifique (14,9%).
75 073
Plus d'informations sur la société

Départs de Personnes Clées

Detlef Trefzger
Detlef Trefzger

Chief Executive Officer

15/08/2013 01/08/2022