Gouvernance Paccar, Inc.




Véhicules et machines lourdes

Marché Fermé - Nasdaq 22:00:00 04/10/2024 Varia. 5j. Varia. 1 janv.
103,41 USD +2,13 % Graphique intraday de Paccar, Inc. +5,38 % +5,90 %

Comité Exécutif: Paccar, Inc.

Fonctions occupéesDepuis
Preston Feight

Preston Feight

56 ans

Chief Executive Officer 01/07/2019
John Rich

John Rich

55 ans

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 15/03/2021
Paulo Henrique Bolgar

Paulo Henrique Bolgar

Human Resources Officer 01/06/2022
Brice Poplawski

Brice Poplawski

60 ans

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 01/06/2023
Michael Beers

Michael Beers

Corporate Secretary -
Michael Walton

Michael Walton

58 ans

General Counsel 01/08/2007
A. Ley

A. Ley

58 ans

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 01/05/2010
Ulrich Kammholz

Ulrich Kammholz

Treasurer 01/06/2014
Ken Hastings

Ken Hastings

Investor Relations Contact -
Harrie Schippers

Harrie Schippers

61 ans

Director of Finance/CFO 01/02/2017
President 01/01/2018

Composition du Conseil d'Administration: Paccar, Inc.

Mark Pigott

Mark Pigott

70 ans

Executive Committee Chair 27/04/2014
Gregory Spierkel

Gregory Spierkel

67 ans

Audit Committee 29/09/2011
Governance Committee 01/10/2014
Nominating Committee 01/01/2008
Compensation Committee 01/10/2014
Kirk Hachigian

Kirk Hachigian

64 ans

Compensation Committee Chair
Executive Committee 18/10/2013
Governance Committee 23/04/2014
Nominating Committee 23/04/2014
Mark Schulz

Mark Schulz

71 ans

Executive Committee 23/04/2012
Governance Committee Chair 23/04/2012
Nominating Committee Chair 23/04/2012
Audit Committee 01/11/2022
Roderick McGeary

Roderick McGeary

73 ans

Executive Committee
Governance Committee 01/09/2015
Nominating Committee 09/09/2012
Audit Committee Chair
Luiz Antonio dos Santos Pretti

Luiz Antonio dos Santos Pretti

Finance Committee
Compensation Committee
HR Committee
Dame Carnwath

Dame Carnwath

71 ans

Audit Committee 01/01/2021
Governance Committee 01/03/2012
Nominating Committee 01/01/2005
Cynthia Niekamp

Cynthia Niekamp

64 ans

Finance Committee 04/08/2016
HR Committee 04/08/2016
Compensation Committee 25/04/2023
Barbara Hulit

Barbara Hulit

57 ans

Governance Committee 26/07/2022
Audit Committee 25/04/2023
John Pigott

John Pigott

60 ans

Executive Committee 29/09/2011
Ganesh Ramaswamy

Ganesh Ramaswamy

55 ans

Compensation Committee 27/04/2021
Pierre Breber

Pierre Breber

60 ans

Audit Committee 01/07/2024
Brice Hill

Brice Hill

57 ans

Audit Committee 01/07/2024
Preston Feight

Preston Feight

56 ans

Director/Board Member 01/07/2019

Anciens Dirigeants et Administrateurs: Paccar, Inc.

Fonctions occupées
Michael Barkley
Michael Barkley
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 01/01/2007 01/06/2023
Beth Ford
Beth Ford
Director/Board Member 21/04/2015 24/04/2023
Independent Dir/Board Member 21/04/2015 24/04/2023
Jack LeVier
Jack LeVier
Human Resources Officer 01/06/2007 01/06/2022
Irene E. Song
Irene E. Song
General Counsel 01/06/2014 01/12/2021
Corporate Secretary 01/05/2017 01/12/2021
Thomas Quinn
Thomas Quinn
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 09/12/2009 01/07/2021
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Charles Williamson
Charles Williamson
Director/Board Member 01/01/2006 26/04/2021
Independent Dir/Board Member 01/01/2006 26/04/2021
Gary Lee Moore
Gary Lee Moore
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/12/2014 15/05/2020
Ronald Armstrong
Ronald Armstrong
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 01/01/2002 12/01/2011
Director/Board Member 27/04/2014 30/06/2019
Chief Executive Officer 27/04/2014 30/06/2019
Director of Finance/CFO 26/07/2011 10/04/2012
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/1993 12/01/2011
President 12/01/2011 27/04/2014
Robert Alan Bengston
Robert Alan Bengston
Director of Finance/CFO 10/04/2012 14/12/2012
Corporate Officer/Principal 14/12/2012 01/02/2019
Luiz Kaufmann
Luiz Kaufmann
Director/Board Member 01/07/2012 29/04/2018
Independent Dir/Board Member 01/07/2012 29/04/2018
Douglas S. Grandstaff
Douglas S. Grandstaff
General Counsel 01/11/2017 -
Robert Christensen
Robert Christensen
Director of Finance/CFO 01/01/2013 01/02/2017
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/2008 01/01/2013
President 27/04/2014 01/02/2017
Daniel D. Sobic
Daniel D. Sobic
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/2007 04/01/2016
John Fluke
John Fluke
Director/Board Member 01/01/1984 20/04/2015
Independent Dir/Board Member 26/07/2011 20/04/2015
Warren R. Staley
Warren R. Staley
Director/Board Member 01/01/2008 13/01/2014
Independent Dir/Board Member 26/07/2011 13/01/2014
Thomas E. Plimpton
Thomas E. Plimpton
Director/Board Member 17/11/2009 12/03/2010
Director of Finance/CFO 12/03/2010 15/07/2011
President 01/08/1996 17/11/2009
Stephen Page
Stephen Page
Director/Board Member 01/01/2004 01/01/2012
Independent Dir/Board Member 26/07/2011 01/01/2012
William G. Reed
William G. Reed
Director/Board Member 19/04/2011 19/04/2011
Independent Dir/Board Member 19/04/2011 19/04/2011
James G. Cardillo
James G. Cardillo
President 01/01/1990 31/12/2010
Jon Erickson
Jon Erickson
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/2009 31/12/2009
James C. Pigott
James C. Pigott
Chairman 01/01/1972 27/04/2009
President 01/01/1972 27/04/2009
Michael A. Tembreull
Michael A. Tembreull
Director/Board Member 01/09/1990 02/01/2009
David K. Newbigging
David K. Newbigging
Director/Board Member 01/01/1999 24/04/2006
Kenneth R. Gangl
Kenneth R. Gangl
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/05/2005 -
Jerry Grinstein
Jerry Grinstein
Director/Board Member 01/01/1997 25/04/2005
Harry C. Stonecipher
Harry C. Stonecipher
Director/Board Member 01/01/2001 15/03/2005
Bruce N. Ewald
Bruce N. Ewald
Sales & Marketing 01/02/2005 01/02/2005
David C. Anderson
David C. Anderson
General Counsel 01/12/2004 -
Robin E. Easton
Robin E. Easton
Investor Relations Contact 26/07/2011 31/03/2015
Public Communications Contact 01/09/2004 -
Treasurer 01/09/2004 -
Robert T. Parry
Robert T. Parry
Director/Board Member 01/01/2004 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 26/07/2011 -
David L. Caplan
David L. Caplan
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/2002 01/10/2003
Edward B. Caudill
Edward B. Caudill
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/1999 01/08/2002
Janice B. Skredsvig
Janice B. Skredsvig
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 01/01/2001 -
William D. Jackson
William D. Jackson
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/2000 -
Harold Wagner
Harold Wagner
Director/Board Member 01/01/1999 -
Scott C. Mahan
Scott C. Mahan
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/08/1993 01/07/1994
David J. Hovind
David J. Hovind
President 01/01/1992 -
Steve Phelps
Steve Phelps
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/01/1984 -
George E. West
George E. West
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jonathan Christian
Jonathan Christian
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
John J. Waggoner
John J. Waggoner
Treasurer - -
Katherine Ross
Katherine Ross
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Daniel Etulain
Daniel Etulain
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Gordon Glen Morie
Gordon Glen Morie
General Counsel - -
Patrick F. Flynn
Patrick F. Flynn
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - -
Nicholas P. Panza
Nicholas P. Panza
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Matthew B. MacKay
Matthew B. MacKay
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Helene N. Mawyer
Helene N. Mawyer
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Rusty Lhamon
Rusty Lhamon
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Craig D. Brewster
Craig D. Brewster
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
James D. Clack
James D. Clack
General Counsel - -
Corporate Secretary - -
Richard Bradley Lawrence
Richard Bradley Lawrence
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jack McRae
Jack McRae
Public Communications Contact 01/06/2011 -
General Counsel - 01/06/2011
Janice M. D'Amato
Janice M. D'Amato
Corporate Secretary - -
Kevin J. Dooley
Kevin J. Dooley
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Alex Cortez
Alex Cortez
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Andrew J. Wold
Andrew J. Wold
Treasurer - -
Carl H. Hahn
Carl H. Hahn
Director/Board Member - -
Janeen Solie McAninch
Janeen Solie McAninch
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Bill G. Kingsley
Bill G. Kingsley
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Doug Moczulewski
Doug Moczulewski
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Christopher Stremlau
Christopher Stremlau
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Richard J. Sander
Richard J. Sander
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Larry Reding
Larry Reding
Sales & Marketing - -
Nick Highland
Nick Highland
Human Resources Officer - -
Daryl Butcher
Daryl Butcher
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Karla Sperber
Karla Sperber
Human Resources Officer - -
Richard T. Gorman
Richard T. Gorman
Corporate Officer/Principal 17/11/2009 -
David Clarke
David Clarke
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Thomas C. Johnson
Thomas C. Johnson
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Aad L. Goudriaan
Aad L. Goudriaan
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Matteo R. Pisciotta
Matteo R. Pisciotta
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Samuel Means
Samuel Means
Corporate Officer/Principal 11/01/2011 -
Richard Fox
Richard Fox
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
William Pigott
William Pigott
Founder 01/01/1905 -

Distribution de l'Âge des Dirigeants

Parité Homme Femme

Homme 24
Femme 2

Dont comité exécutif

Homme 10
Femme 0

Dont Administrateurs

Homme 12
Femme 2
ESG Refinitiv


Utilisation de ressources


Engagement Sociétal
Droits Humains
Responsabilité des produits
Ressources Humaines


Stratégie RSE


Logo Paccar, Inc.
Paccar, Inc. est spécialisé dans la conception, la fabrication et la commercialisation de véhicules de transport de marchandises. Le CA par activité se répartit comme suit : - vente de camions (76,4%) : 204 200 véhicules vendus en 2023 (marques DAF, Kenworth et Peterbilt), et répartis par pays entre Etats-Unis et Canada (109 100 unités), Europe (63 200) et autres (31 900 ; principalement Mexique et Australie) ; - vente d'accessoires, des pièces de rechange et des treuils industriels (18,3%) : marques Braden, Gearmatic et Carco ; - prestations de financement des ventes (5,2%) : activités de financement classique et de crédit-bail ; - autres (0,1%). La répartition géographique du CA est la suivante : Etats-Unis (53,6%), Europe (24,9%) et autres (21,5%).
32 400
Plus d'informations sur la société

Départs de Personnes Clées

James C. Pigott
James C. Pigott


01/01/1972 27/04/2009

Ronald Armstrong
Ronald Armstrong

Chief Executive Officer

27/04/2014 30/06/2019