Warren Buffett
Directeur Général chez BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC.
Fortune : 141 Mrd $ au 31/12/2024
Warren Buffett est né à Omaha (Nebraska) en 1930, au beau milieu des Etats-Unis. S'intéressant à la Bourse dès l'âge de 16 ans, Buffett n'a exercé qu'un seul métier ces quarante dernières années : l'investissement. Au vu de l'immense fortune ainsi accumulée, il mérite sans conteste la place d'honneur au panthéon des gestionnaires de fonds !
En 1956, Warren Buffett revient s'installer dans sa ville natale, où il a toujours vécu depuis. Il prend progressivement le contrôle d'un groupe textile coté en Bourse, Berkshire Hathaway. Après l'avoir redressé, il se sert de Berkshire comme d'un véhicule d'investissement : dès 1967, il acquiert une première compagnie d'assurances, National Indemnity, puis GEICO. Rapidement, les assureurs deviendront les principaux pourvoyeurs de liquidités de la société de portefeuille que devient Berkshire Hathaway.
Pratiquement inchangés depuis le début de sa carrière, ses principes d'investissement font de Buffett un « bon père de famille ». Il s'intéresse avant tout aux sociétés sous-valorisées – cotées ou non –, rentables, et dont les savoir faire « de niche » en font des leaders sur leurs marchés respectifs. Peu importe leur secteur d'activité : Buffett est un financier, pas un industriel.
Le succès ne s'est jamais démenti : la valeur de l'actif de Berkshire Hathaway a progressé en moyenne de 21,1% l'an entre 1965 et 2007, soit deux fois plus que l'indice boursier américain S&P 500 sur la même période. Aujourd'hui, l'action Berkshire Hathaway de classe 'A' est la plus chère de la Bourse de New-York : jamais divisée, elle cotait aux environs de 123.000$ au 21 octobre, limitant son recul depuis le début de l'année à 13%, face aux - 33% du S&P 500. Sans compter ses participations non cotées, le portefeuille de Berkshire compte actuellement moins d'une quarantaine d'actions, majoritairement américaines.
Selon le classement de Forbes de mars 2011, Warren Buffett occupe la troisième place d'homme le plus riche du monde derrière Bill Gates et Carlos Slim, avec une fortune estimée à 50 milliards de dollars.
En 2010, la journaliste et auteure économique, Alice Schroeder, écrit une biographie inédite de Warren Buffett, intitulée L'effet boule de neige. Cette biographie complète de l'homme connu de tous comme « l'Oracle d'Omaha » a été rédigée avec la coopération de Buffett lui-même : il a consacré des milliers d'heures et a ouvert ses dossiers et son carnet d'adresses à Alice Schroeder, lui permettant de contacter son épouse, ses enfants, ses amis et ses associés. De tout cela est né une analyse approfondie de sa philosophie de vie – probablement le compte-rendu le plus complet que nous aurons jamais. Cet ouvrage détaille les principes et les idées qui ont fait l'incroyable fortune de Buffett, mais qui ont également enrichi les vies (et les comptes en banque) de ceux qui les ont adoptés. Il narre enfin la success story américaine la plus fascinante de notre ère.
Cet ouvrage a été sélectionné parmi les meilleurs ouvrages de l'année 2010 par The Washington Post, People, The Financial Times, BusinessWeek, Publishers Weekly et le New York Times.
Détentions connues dans des sociétés publiques
Société | Date | Nombre d'actions | Valorisation | Date de valorisation |
37,39 % | 03/12/2024 | 206 359 ( 37,39 % ) | 141 Mrd $ | 31/12/2024 |
04/12/2024 | 951 ( 0 % ) | 431 069 $ | 31/12/2024 |
Dernières actualités sur Warren Buffett
Postes actifs de Warren Buffett
Sociétés | Poste | Début |
BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC. | Directeur Général | 01/01/1970 |
PRECISION CASTPARTS CORP. | Directeur/Membre du Conseil | - |
Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. (Investment Management)
![]() Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. (Investment Management) Investment ManagersFinance Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. (Investment Management) (BHI-IM) is the asset management division of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. (NYSE: BRK), an American multi-national conglomerate headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska. The firm was founded in 1955 and traces its roots to Valley Falls Company, a textile manufacturing company that was formed in 1839. In 1962, Warren Buffett started to acquire shares of the company until he had majority ownership of it. Berkshire Hathaway engages in insurance businesses conducted on both a primary basis and a reinsurance basis. | Directeur Général | 01/01/1970 |
Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC
![]() Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC RailroadsTransportation Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC engages in the provision of freight rail transportation services. The firm operates various facilities and equipment to support transportation system, including its infrastructure and locomotives and freight cars. It also offers support facilities for rail operations include yards and terminals throughout its rail network, system locomotive shops to perform locomotive servicing and maintenance, a centralized network operations center for train dispatching, and network operations for monitoring and management. The company was founded on December 16, 1994 and is headquartered in Fort Worth, TX. | Directeur/Membre du Conseil | - |
XTRA Corp.
![]() XTRA Corp. Finance/Rental/LeasingFinance XTRA Corp. provides transportation equipment leasing services. It is a global transportation equipment lessor with operations in the North American over-the-road and domestic intermodal markets. The company was founded on July 12, 1999 and is headquartered in St. Louis, MO. | Directeur/Membre du Conseil | 25/04/2011 |
American Academy of Arts & Sciences
![]() American Academy of Arts & Sciences Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services The American Academy of Arts & Sciences is an organization that honors excellence and brings together leaders. The non-profit company is based in Cambridge, MA. | Corporate Officer/Principal | 17/04/2009 |
Berkshire Hathaway Life Insurance Company of Nebraska
![]() Berkshire Hathaway Life Insurance Company of Nebraska Life/Health InsuranceFinance Berkshire Hathaway Life Insurance Co. of Nebraska provides life insurance services. It provides retirement planning products and personal quotes through its web site. The firm also offers excess personal umbrella insurance through a property and casualty affiliate. The company is headquartered in Omaha, NE. | Directeur Général | 01/01/1965 |
Grinnell College | Directeur/Membre du Conseil | - |
General Reinsurance AG
![]() General Reinsurance AG Life/Health InsuranceFinance General Reinsurance AG engages in providing reinsurance of all kinds to domestic and international customers. It also offers all kinds of reinsurance on a worldwide basis including life, health, motor, marine, property and general third party liability insurance. The company was founded in 1846 and is headquartered in Cologne, Germany. | Directeur Général | 01/01/1970 |
Anciens postes connus de Warren Buffett
Sociétés | Poste | Fin |
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Formation de Warren Buffett
University of Nebraska | Undergraduate Degree |
The Trustees of Columbia University in The City of New York | Graduate Degree |
Fonctions occupées
Relations au 1er degré
Entreprises liées au 1er degré
Sociétés liées
Sociétés cotées | 4 |
THE COCA-COLA COMPANY | Consumer Non-Durables |
KRAFT HEINZ | Consumer Non-Durables |
Entreprise privées | 16 |
Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. (Investment Management)
![]() Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. (Investment Management) Investment ManagersFinance Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. (Investment Management) (BHI-IM) is the asset management division of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. (NYSE: BRK), an American multi-national conglomerate headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska. The firm was founded in 1955 and traces its roots to Valley Falls Company, a textile manufacturing company that was formed in 1839. In 1962, Warren Buffett started to acquire shares of the company until he had majority ownership of it. Berkshire Hathaway engages in insurance businesses conducted on both a primary basis and a reinsurance basis. | Finance |
MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co.
![]() MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co. Electric UtilitiesUtilities MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co. operates as a holding company with interests in engages in energy business. It operates business through subsidiaries which include, PacifiCorp., MidAmerican Funding LLC, NV Energy, Inc. Sierra Pacific Power Co., Northern Natural Gas Co., Kern River Gas Transmission Co., Northern Powergrid Holdings Co., MidAmerican Transmission LLC, MidAmerican Renewables LLC and HomeServices of America, Inc. The company’s subsidiaries generate, transmit, store, distribute and supply energy. It has offices in Delaware, England, Iowa, Nevada, Oregon and Texas. MidAmerican Energy Holdings was founded in 1971 and is headquartered in Des Moines, IA. | Utilities |
The Urban Institute
![]() The Urban Institute Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services The Urban Institute is a nonprofit organization that conducts research and offers evidence-based solutions to improve social and economic policies. The non-profit company is based in Washington and was founded in 1968 by Lyndon Baines Johnson. The American company's objective research helps expand opportunities for all, reduce hardship among the most vulnerable, and strengthen the effectiveness of the public sector. The company studies how family and individual well-being is shaped by economic, social, and demographic trends, and how policies and programs can improve economic security, human capital, family stability, and child development. | Commercial Services |
Justin Brands, Inc.
![]() Justin Brands, Inc. Apparel/FootwearConsumer Non-Durables Justin Brands, Inc. manufactures western and work boots. Its brands include Justin, Nocona, Chippewa, and Tony Lama. The company was founded by H. J. Justin 1879 and is located in Fort Worth, TX. | Consumer Non-Durables |
Berkshire Hathaway Life Insurance Company of Nebraska
![]() Berkshire Hathaway Life Insurance Company of Nebraska Life/Health InsuranceFinance Berkshire Hathaway Life Insurance Co. of Nebraska provides life insurance services. It provides retirement planning products and personal quotes through its web site. The firm also offers excess personal umbrella insurance through a property and casualty affiliate. The company is headquartered in Omaha, NE. | Finance |
Berkshire Hathaway Assurance Corp.
![]() Berkshire Hathaway Assurance Corp. Investment Banks/BrokersFinance Berkshire Hathaway Assurance Corp. offers municipal and state bonds. The company was established in December, 2007 and is headquartered in Omaha, NE. | Finance |
American Academy of Arts & Sciences
![]() American Academy of Arts & Sciences Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services The American Academy of Arts & Sciences is an organization that honors excellence and brings together leaders. The non-profit company is based in Cambridge, MA. | Commercial Services |
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust
![]() Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust Financial ConglomeratesFinance The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was formed in 1997 as the William H. Gates Foundation. In 1999, the foundation was renamed the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust was created in January 2000 through the merger of the Gates Learning Foundation, which worked to expand access to technology through public libraries and the William H. Gates Foundation, which focused on improving global health. The foundation participates in preventive approaches and collaborative endeavors with government, philanthropic and not-for-profit partners. Priority is given to grants that leverage additional support and serve as a catalyst for long-term, systemic change. The foundation also provides funds to promote greater equity in global health, education and public libraries. Through their partnerships in communities across the US, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is committed to raising the high school graduation rate and helping all students, regardless of race or family income. The foundation is headquartered in Seattle, Washington. | Finance |
XTRA Corp.
![]() XTRA Corp. Finance/Rental/LeasingFinance XTRA Corp. provides transportation equipment leasing services. It is a global transportation equipment lessor with operations in the North American over-the-road and domestic intermodal markets. The company was founded on July 12, 1999 and is headquartered in St. Louis, MO. | Finance |
West End Capital Management (Bermuda) Ltd.
![]() West End Capital Management (Bermuda) Ltd. Investment ManagersFinance West End Capital Management (Bermuda) Ltd. provides investment management services. The company was founded by Mark James Byrne in 1998 and is headquartered in Hamilton, Bermuda. | Finance |
H.J. Heinz Co.
![]() H.J. Heinz Co. Food: Major DiversifiedConsumer Non-Durables H.J. Heinz Co. used to produced processed food products. Its products included ketchup, condiments and sauces, frozen food, soups, beans and pasta meals, infant nutrition and other food products. H.J. Heinz was founded by Henry John Heinz in 1869 and was headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA. | Consumer Non-Durables |
Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC
![]() Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC RailroadsTransportation Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC engages in the provision of freight rail transportation services. The firm operates various facilities and equipment to support transportation system, including its infrastructure and locomotives and freight cars. It also offers support facilities for rail operations include yards and terminals throughout its rail network, system locomotive shops to perform locomotive servicing and maintenance, a centralized network operations center for train dispatching, and network operations for monitoring and management. The company was founded on December 16, 1994 and is headquartered in Fort Worth, TX. | Transportation |
Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co.
![]() Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. Electric UtilitiesUtilities Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. engages in distribution of energy. It generates energy from coal, natural gas and steam, hydroelectric, wind, geothermal, nuclear, and black liquor resources. The firm also offers residential real estate brokerage; integrated real estate, including mortgage originations and mortgage banking; title and closing; property and casualty insurance; home warranties; relocation services; and other home-related services. The company was founded in 1971 and is headquartered in Des Moines, IA. | Utilities |
Precision Castparts Corp.
![]() Precision Castparts Corp. SteelNon-Energy Minerals Precision Castparts Corp. manufactures metal components and products for the aerospace and defense industries. It offers investment castings, forgings, fasteners and fastener systems, and aero structures for aerospace and power generation applications. The company was founded by Joseph Buford Cox in April 1953 and is headquartered in Portland, OR. | Non-Energy Minerals |
![]() WP Co. LLC Publishing: NewspapersConsumer Services WP Co. LLC publishes newspapers. The company was founded by Stilson Hutchins on December 6, 1877 and is headquartered in Washington, DC. | Consumer Services |
General Reinsurance AG
![]() General Reinsurance AG Life/Health InsuranceFinance General Reinsurance AG engages in providing reinsurance of all kinds to domestic and international customers. It also offers all kinds of reinsurance on a worldwide basis including life, health, motor, marine, property and general third party liability insurance. The company was founded in 1846 and is headquartered in Cologne, Germany. | Finance |