David L. MacDonald

David L. MacDonald

Plus aucun poste en cours

Fortune : 6 M $ au 31/03/2024

67 ans


David L.
is a businessperson who has been the head of 6 different companies and presently is Chairman of Attabotics, Inc. Mr. MacDonald is also on the board of 5 other companies.
In his past career Mr. MacDonald was Chairman-Governing Board at Information Technology Association of Canada, Independent Director at Softchoice Corp., Chairman at Pelco, Inc. and Vice President-North American Outsourcing Services at Xerox Corp.
He received an undergraduate degree from the University of Alberta.

Détentions connues dans des sociétés publiques

SociétéDateNombre d'actionsValorisationDate de valorisation
15/10/2022 476 278 ( 0,80% ) 6 M $ 31/03/2024
  1. Bourse
  2. Insiders
  3. David L. MacDonald