Boris F. J. Collardi
Directeur/Membre du Conseil chez EFG INTERNATIONAL AG
Fortune : 156 M $ au 31/12/2024
Boris F.
Collardi is the founder of Skyviews Life Science SA, which was founded in 2018.
He is currently a Director at EFG International AG, Blueorchard SA, EFG Bank AG (Colombia), EFG Bank European Financial Group SA, EFG European Financial Group (Luxembourg) SA, Paulo Coelho & Christina Oiticica Philantropic Foundation, International Institute for Management Development, Swiss Finance Institute, Vereinigung Schweizerischer Handels & Verwaltungsbanken, Association of Swiss Asset & Wealth Management Banks, and Fondation Du Festival Et Académie De Verbier.
He was previously the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of GAM Holding AG in 2009, the Chief Executive Officer of Bank Julius Bär & Co. AG from 2006 to 2017, and the Chief Executive Officer of Julius Bär Gruppe AG from 2009 to 2017.
He also held positions at Swiss Bankers Association, Credit Suisse Private Banking (Singapore), Credit Suisse Private Banking (London Branch), Stiftung Avenir Suisse, and Credit Suisse Investment Research Group.
Mr. Collardi received his undergraduate degree from Cessouest School in 1993.
Détentions connues dans des sociétés publiques
Société | Date | Nombre d'actions | Valorisation | Date de valorisation |
3,45% | 31/12/2023 | 10 775 862 ( 3,45% ) | 156 M $ | 31/12/2024 |
Postes actifs de Boris F. J. Collardi
Sociétés | Poste | Début |
EFG INTERNATIONAL AG | Directeur/Membre du Conseil | 06/10/2022 |
EFG Bank European Financial Group SA
EFG Bank European Financial Group SA Major BanksFinance Part of EFG European Financial Group (Luxembourg) SA, EFG Bank European Financial Group SA provides banking and other financial services. The company is based in Geneva, Switzerland. Periclès–Paul P. Petalas has been the CEO of the Swiss company since 1980. | Directeur/Membre du Conseil | - |
EFG European Financial Group (Luxembourg) SA
EFG European Financial Group (Luxembourg) SA Financial ConglomeratesFinance Part of EFG European Financial Group Ltd., EFG European Financial Group (Luxembourg) SA is a Luxembourger company that provides financial services. The company is based in Luxembourg, Luxembourg. | Directeur/Membre du Conseil | - |
EFG Bank AG (Colombia) | Directeur/Membre du Conseil | 29/04/2022 |
Skyviews Life Science SA
Skyviews Life Science SA Investment ManagersFinance Skyviews Life Science SA is an independent venture capital firm headquartered in Grandvaux, Switzerland. The firm was founded in 2018. | Fondateur | 01/01/2018 |
International Institute for Management Development | Directeur/Membre du Conseil | - |
Blueorchard SA | Directeur/Membre du Conseil | - |
Fondation Du Festival Et Académie De Verbier | Corporate Officer/Principal | - |
Swiss Finance Institute | Corporate Officer/Principal | - |
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Anciens postes connus de Boris F. J. Collardi
Sociétés | Poste | Fin |
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Formation de Boris F. J. Collardi
Cessouest School | Undergraduate Degree |
Fonctions occupées
Sociétés cotées
Entreprise privées
Relations au 1er degré
Entreprises liées au 1er degré
Sociétés liées
Sociétés cotées | 3 |
GAM HOLDING AG | Finance |
Entreprise privées | 14 |
Credit Suisse Investment Research Group | |
Credit Suisse Private Banking (London Branch)
Credit Suisse Private Banking (London Branch) Regional BanksFinance Part of UBS Group AG, Credit Suisse Private Banking (London Branch) provides private banking services. | Finance |
Swiss Bankers Association
Swiss Bankers Association Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Swiss Bankers Association operates bankers association. The company was founded by Robert U. Vogler in 1912 and is headquartered in Basel, China. | Commercial Services |
Vereinigung Schweizerischer Handels & Verwaltungsbanken | |
Bank Julius Bär & Co. AG
Bank Julius Bär & Co. AG Investment ManagersFinance Bank Julius Bär & Co. AG (BJB) is the private banking subsidiary of Julius Bär Gruppe AG (SWX: BAER) in Switzerland. Headquartered in Zurich, BJB was founded in 1890 and provides personal wealth management advice to private clients and family offices. | Finance |
Association of Swiss Asset & Wealth Management Banks | Finance |
Credit Suisse Private Banking (Singapore) | |
Stiftung Avenir Suisse
Stiftung Avenir Suisse Investment Trusts/Mutual FundsMiscellaneous Stiftung Avenir Suisse develops ideas for the sociopolitical and economic development of Switzerland. It comprises of companies and private individuals from all economic branches and regions of Switzerland. The company was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. | Miscellaneous |
Fondation Du Festival Et Académie De Verbier | |
Blueorchard SA | |
Skyviews Life Science SA
Skyviews Life Science SA Investment ManagersFinance Skyviews Life Science SA is an independent venture capital firm headquartered in Grandvaux, Switzerland. The firm was founded in 2018. | Finance |
EFG Bank AG (Colombia) | |
EFG European Financial Group (Luxembourg) SA
EFG European Financial Group (Luxembourg) SA Financial ConglomeratesFinance Part of EFG European Financial Group Ltd., EFG European Financial Group (Luxembourg) SA is a Luxembourger company that provides financial services. The company is based in Luxembourg, Luxembourg. | Finance |
EFG Bank European Financial Group SA
EFG Bank European Financial Group SA Major BanksFinance Part of EFG European Financial Group (Luxembourg) SA, EFG Bank European Financial Group SA provides banking and other financial services. The company is based in Geneva, Switzerland. Periclès–Paul P. Petalas has been the CEO of the Swiss company since 1980. | Finance |