George Soros
Fondateur chez
George Soros, né György Schwartz, a connu l'occupation nazie en Hongrie. D'origine juive, il est contraint en 1936 de changer de nom. Il fuit le régime communiste en 1947 en gagnant la Grande Bretagne. En 1952, il suit les cours du philosophe anti-communiste Karl Kopper à la London School of Economics. En 1956, il émigre aux États-Unis avec une idée en tête : gagner un demi-million de dollars. Pari réussi, se fortune s'élèvait à 14,5 milliards de dollars, ce qui l'érigait au rang de 46ème fortune mondiale selon le classement Forbe's 2011.
A peine installé, il crée son premier fond d'investissement The Soros Fund, qui sera la première pierre de l'empire financier de Soros. En 1973, il fonde avec Jim Rogers Fond Quantum. Pendant dix ans, ce fond battra tous les records avec des gains dépassant constamment les 30%.
Le grand public le découvre à l'occasion de la grande crise de 1992. En spéculant sur une baisse de la livre sterling, il provoque de telles fluctuations que la monnaie britannique est contrainte de sortir du système monétaire. Ce coup d'éclat lui vaut de gagner près d'un milliard en une nuit et d'être surnommé : « l'homme qui a fait sauter la banque d'Angleterre ».
Mais s'il est un spéculateur hors pair, il est aussi un philanthrope hors normes. Grâce à Open Society Institute qui rassemble une vingtaine de fondations et dont le but est de défendre les droits humains et promouvoir la gouvernance démocratique, il étend son influence au terrain politique. George Soros se décrit lui-même comme un « chef d'État apatride ». A travers ses fondations lancées en 1984 et l'Open Society Institute, Georges Soros a distribué plus de 8 milliards de dollars à diverses causes humanitaires dans 70 pays partout sur la planète.
L'homme qui voulait être philosophe et écrivain compte bien, en s'appuyant sur sa fondation, participer pleinement à la mutation de la société. Lui, le spéculateur, aussi admiré que critiqué, est devenu le pourfendeur du libéralisme à outrance et du capitalisme effréné.
Dernières actualités sur George Soros
Postes actifs de George Soros
Sociétés | Poste | Début |
Soros Fund Management LLC
![]() Soros Fund Management LLC Investment ManagersFinance Soros Fund Management LLC (SFM) is a privately-held investment management firm now structured as a family office, but which was once a hedge fund manager. The firm was founded in 1969 and is headquartered in New York City. SFM serves as the principal asset manager for the Open Society Foundations (Open Society) – a private funder of independent groups that works for justice, democratic governance, and human rights. | Fondateur | 01/01/1969 |
Open Society Foundations
![]() Open Society Foundations Investment Trusts/Mutual FundsMiscellaneous The Open Society Institute works to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens. To achieve its mission, OSI seeks to shape public policies that assure greater fairness in political, legal, and economic systems and safeguard fundamental rights. On a local level, OSI implements a range of initiatives to advance justice, education, public health, and independent media. At the same time, OSI builds alliances across borders and continents on issues such as corruption and freedom of information. OSI places a high priority on protecting and improving the lives of people in marginalized communities. Investor and philanthropist George Soros in 1993 created OSI as a private operating and grantmaking foundation to support his foundations in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Those foundations were established, starting in 1984, to help countries make the transition from communism. OSI has expanded the activities of the Soros foundations network to encompass the United States and more than 60 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Each Soros foundation relies on the expertise of boards composed of eminent citizens who determine individual agendas based on local priorities. | Fondateur | 20/07/2011 |
Refugees International, Inc.
![]() Refugees International, Inc. Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Refugees International, Inc. operates as a independent advocacy organization. It supports displaced people and stateless people. The firm advocates for lifesaving assistance and protection for displaced people and promotes solutions to displacement crises. The company was founded by Sue Morton in 1979 and is headquartered in Washington, DC. | Directeur/Membre du Conseil | 19/05/2010 |
The International Crisis Group (United States)
![]() The International Crisis Group (United States) Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services The International Crisis Group (United States) is based in Washington, DC. Provides social services. The company was founded in 1995 by Morton I. Abramowitz. Robert Malley has been the CEO of the company since 2018. | Directeur/Membre du Conseil | - |
Quantum Strategic Partners Ltd. (Private Equity)
![]() Quantum Strategic Partners Ltd. (Private Equity) Investment ManagersFinance Quantum Strategic Partners Ltd (Private Equity) (Quantum Strategic Partner) is a private equity subsidiary of Soros Fund Management LLC founded in 2009 by George Soros. The firm is headquartered in New York. | Fondateur | 01/01/2015 |
Anciens postes connus de George Soros
Sociétés | Poste | Fin |
Soros Economic Development Fund
![]() Soros Economic Development Fund Investment Trusts/Mutual FundsMiscellaneous Soros Economic Development Fund is a non-profit organization that promotes economic opportunities and access to affordable and essential goods and services for underserved populations in post-conflict or less developed countries and communities. Its program-related investments include equity, debt, and guarantees. It also provide technical assistance or other essential support. The company was founded on September 15, 1997 and is headquartered in New York, NY. | Fondateur | - |
Wertheim & Co., Inc. | Corporate Officer/Principal | 31/12/1963 |
Institute For New Economic Thinking
![]() Institute For New Economic Thinking Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services The Institute for New Economic Thinking is an organization that aims to advance economic thought and challenge conventional wisdom. The non-profit company is based in New York, NY. The company's goal is to create an open environment for generating and discussing economic ideas. The Institute was founded in 2009 by George Soros, William Hall Janeway, James Laurence Balsillie. | Fondateur | - |
The Quantum Fund Ltd.
![]() The Quantum Fund Ltd. Financial ConglomeratesFinance The Quantum Fund Ltd. provides hedge fund investment services. The company was founded by George Soros and James Beeland Rogers, Jr. in 1973 and is headquartered in Edinburgh, the United Kingdom. | Fondateur | - |
Formation de George Soros
London School of Economics & Political Science | Doctorate Degree |
Fonctions occupées
Relations au 1er degré
Entreprises liées au 1er degré
Sociétés liées
Entreprise privées | 9 |
Soros Fund Management LLC
![]() Soros Fund Management LLC Investment ManagersFinance Soros Fund Management LLC (SFM) is a privately-held investment management firm now structured as a family office, but which was once a hedge fund manager. The firm was founded in 1969 and is headquartered in New York City. SFM serves as the principal asset manager for the Open Society Foundations (Open Society) – a private funder of independent groups that works for justice, democratic governance, and human rights. | Finance |
Open Society Foundations
![]() Open Society Foundations Investment Trusts/Mutual FundsMiscellaneous The Open Society Institute works to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens. To achieve its mission, OSI seeks to shape public policies that assure greater fairness in political, legal, and economic systems and safeguard fundamental rights. On a local level, OSI implements a range of initiatives to advance justice, education, public health, and independent media. At the same time, OSI builds alliances across borders and continents on issues such as corruption and freedom of information. OSI places a high priority on protecting and improving the lives of people in marginalized communities. Investor and philanthropist George Soros in 1993 created OSI as a private operating and grantmaking foundation to support his foundations in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Those foundations were established, starting in 1984, to help countries make the transition from communism. OSI has expanded the activities of the Soros foundations network to encompass the United States and more than 60 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Each Soros foundation relies on the expertise of boards composed of eminent citizens who determine individual agendas based on local priorities. | Miscellaneous |
Refugees International, Inc.
![]() Refugees International, Inc. Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Refugees International, Inc. operates as a independent advocacy organization. It supports displaced people and stateless people. The firm advocates for lifesaving assistance and protection for displaced people and promotes solutions to displacement crises. The company was founded by Sue Morton in 1979 and is headquartered in Washington, DC. | Commercial Services |
The Quantum Fund Ltd.
![]() The Quantum Fund Ltd. Financial ConglomeratesFinance The Quantum Fund Ltd. provides hedge fund investment services. The company was founded by George Soros and James Beeland Rogers, Jr. in 1973 and is headquartered in Edinburgh, the United Kingdom. | Finance |
Wertheim & Co., Inc. | Finance |
The International Crisis Group (United States)
![]() The International Crisis Group (United States) Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services The International Crisis Group (United States) is based in Washington, DC. Provides social services. The company was founded in 1995 by Morton I. Abramowitz. Robert Malley has been the CEO of the company since 2018. | Commercial Services |
Quantum Strategic Partners Ltd. (Private Equity)
![]() Quantum Strategic Partners Ltd. (Private Equity) Investment ManagersFinance Quantum Strategic Partners Ltd (Private Equity) (Quantum Strategic Partner) is a private equity subsidiary of Soros Fund Management LLC founded in 2009 by George Soros. The firm is headquartered in New York. | Finance |
Institute For New Economic Thinking
![]() Institute For New Economic Thinking Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services The Institute for New Economic Thinking is an organization that aims to advance economic thought and challenge conventional wisdom. The non-profit company is based in New York, NY. The company's goal is to create an open environment for generating and discussing economic ideas. The Institute was founded in 2009 by George Soros, William Hall Janeway, James Laurence Balsillie. | Commercial Services |
Soros Economic Development Fund
![]() Soros Economic Development Fund Investment Trusts/Mutual FundsMiscellaneous Soros Economic Development Fund is a non-profit organization that promotes economic opportunities and access to affordable and essential goods and services for underserved populations in post-conflict or less developed countries and communities. Its program-related investments include equity, debt, and guarantees. It also provide technical assistance or other essential support. The company was founded on September 15, 1997 and is headquartered in New York, NY. | Miscellaneous |