Michel Vukotic
Directeur en chef des Investissements chez ALPINE SELECT AG
Mr. Michel Vukotic is a Chief Investment Officer & Executive Director at Alpine Select AG and a Member of the Board of Directors & Head of the Investment Committee at Alpine Select AG.
During his studies he held an Internship at FIDES Revision, Zurich, before joining Etterlin, Klipstein & Partner AG, Zurich, as a tax advisor (1984 - 1987).
Between 1987 and 2017, he held various positions at Bank Julius Baer, Zurich, starting in the Capital Market Department (1987 - 1992), then Derivatives Switzerland (1992) before being the sector head at Equity Trading (1993 - 1997).
Following this he was the head of the Securities Department (1997 - 2001), key account manager at Special Client Services (2001 - 2004) and relationship manager in the Zurich Special Client Services department (2004 - 2017).
Between 1978 and 1984 he studied at University of St. Gallen and graduated with a Business Management degree.
Following this, he completed four post-graduate Seminares at University of Zurich.
Dernières actualités sur Michel Vukotic
Postes actifs de Michel Vukotic
Sociétés | Poste | Début |
ALPINE SELECT AG | Directeur en chef des Investissements | 22/05/2017 |
ARAS - Holding AG
ARAS - Holding AG Financial ConglomeratesFinance ARAS - Holding AG engages in the acquisition and management of participations in other firms. The company was founded on July 13, 2005 and is headquartered in Lenzburg, Switzerland. | Directeur/Membre du Conseil | - |
Alpine Select AG (Investment Management)
Alpine Select AG (Investment Management) Investment ManagersFinance Alpine Select AG (Investment Management) (Alpine -IM) is the investment management division of Alpine Select AG, an investment company headquartered in Zug, Switzerland. Founded in 1997, Alpine-IM manages assets of various types of clients. | Directeur en chef des Investissements | 01/06/2016 |
Richnerstutz AG | Directeur/Membre du Conseil | - |
Villmergen & Trinsic Ltd. | Directeur/Membre du Conseil | - |
Trinsic AG
Trinsic AG Financial ConglomeratesFinance Trinsic AG provides investment services. It offers institutional and individual investors the opportunity to invest within a legal and tax optimized structure in a diversified, professionally managed portfolio of investee companies which are subject to corporate circumstances. The company was founded by Daniel J. Sauter, Daniel Model, and Michel Vukotic in 2001 and is headquartered in Zug, Switzerland. | Directeur/Membre du Conseil | - |
Anciens postes connus de Michel Vukotic
Sociétés | Poste | Fin |
JULIUS BÄR GRUPPE AG | Corporate Officer/Principal | 01/01/2017 |
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kapitalanlagen SGK
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kapitalanlagen SGK Investment ManagersFinance Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kapitalanlagen SGK focused on investment advice. The company was headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. | Directeur/Membre du Conseil | - |
ABSOLUTE INVEST AG | Directeur/Membre du Conseil | - |
Formation de Michel Vukotic
University of St. Gallen | Undergraduate Degree |
University of Zurich | Graduate Degree |
Fonctions occupées
Relations au 1er degré
Entreprises liées au 1er degré
Sociétés liées
Sociétés cotées | 1 |
Entreprise privées | 8 |
Absolute Invest Ltd.
Absolute Invest Ltd. Investment Trusts/Mutual FundsMiscellaneous Absolute Invest Ltd. is an investment holding company with interest in well diversified international hedge fund portfolio. The company invests globally in a wide range of hedge fund styles, focusing on difficult to find, illiquid and emerging strategies. Its subsidiaries include Absolutissimo Ltd., Carry Ltd., Eurissimo Ltd. and Usissimo Ltd. The company was founded on October 12, 2000 and is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. | Miscellaneous |
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kapitalanlagen SGK
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kapitalanlagen SGK Investment ManagersFinance Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kapitalanlagen SGK focused on investment advice. The company was headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. | Finance |
Alpine Select AG
Alpine Select AG Investment Trusts/Mutual FundsMiscellaneous Alpine Select AG is a closed-ended holding company, which engages in the investment in securities, quoted or non-quoted, and Swiss or foreign corporations. It offers institutional and individual investors the key benefit of investing into a diversified alternative investment portfolio with core investment strategies: discount-, risk-arbitrage, tactical exploitation of under-researched companies/situations, short-term opportunities, and liquid hedge funds. The company was founded on September 17, 1997 and is headquartered in Zug, Switzerland. | Miscellaneous |
ARAS - Holding AG
ARAS - Holding AG Financial ConglomeratesFinance ARAS - Holding AG engages in the acquisition and management of participations in other firms. The company was founded on July 13, 2005 and is headquartered in Lenzburg, Switzerland. | Finance |
Alpine Select AG (Investment Management)
Alpine Select AG (Investment Management) Investment ManagersFinance Alpine Select AG (Investment Management) (Alpine -IM) is the investment management division of Alpine Select AG, an investment company headquartered in Zug, Switzerland. Founded in 1997, Alpine-IM manages assets of various types of clients. | Finance |
Richnerstutz AG | |
Villmergen & Trinsic Ltd. | |
Trinsic AG
Trinsic AG Financial ConglomeratesFinance Trinsic AG provides investment services. It offers institutional and individual investors the opportunity to invest within a legal and tax optimized structure in a diversified, professionally managed portfolio of investee companies which are subject to corporate circumstances. The company was founded by Daniel J. Sauter, Daniel Model, and Michel Vukotic in 2001 and is headquartered in Zug, Switzerland. | Finance |