
Photo Genuino Christino
Genuino Christino

Genuino M. Christino est directeur financier et vice-président exécutif d'ArcelorMittal SA. Au cours de sa carrière antérieure, M. Christino a occupé les postes d'auditeur chez Kpmg Auditores E Consultores, de directeur comptable chez Belgo-Mineira Steel Co, de directeur général chez Arcelor Brasil SA et d'auditeur chez KPMG UK Ltd. Genuino M. Christino a obtenu un diplôme de premier cycle à l'Universidade Paulista.

Photo Rocco Christino
Rocco Christino

JOINED LBC 2015 EDUCATION Pennsylvania State University, Bachelor of Science, Computer Engineering EXPERIENCE Citizens Bank JPMorgan Chase FUN FACT A life-long tennis enthusiast who enjoys playing the game with his wife and son.

Photo Christino Rio
Christino Rio

Christino Rio served as the Chief Executive Officer & Director at Noble Vici Group, Inc. from 2012 to 2014.
He earned an MBA from London Business School in 1996 and an undergraduate degree from The LUISS University of Rome.

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