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1 429 3,7 EUR Action Brodogradiliste Viktor Lenac d.d. Action

Actualités (199)

Corr Revue de presse du dimanche 3 mars 2024 AW
Presse: le gouvernement lucernois examine une éventuelle aide pour Swiss Steel AW
Revue de presse du dimanche 15 octobre 2023 AW
Medmix maintient la cadence au 1er semestre, malgré la Pologne AW
Swiss Steel: l'actionnaire Peter Spuhler augmente sa part à plus de 20% AW
Les yachts d'oligarques, trophées de chasse des sanctions difficiles à saisir AW
Bourse Zurich: le SMI termine en vert, au-dessus de la barre des 11'300 points AW
Bourse Zurich: les indices toujours en repli à l'approche de la mi-journée AW
Medmix: le retrait de Pologne a sinistré la rentabilité l'an dernier AW
Sulzer a vu son bénéfice net plonger l'an dernier AW
Credit Suisse a gelé près de 18 milliards d'avoirs russes AW
Revue de presse du dimanche 12 février 2023 AW
Züblin: l'administrateur Osipov, sous enquête aux USA, abandonne ses fonctions AW
Bourse Zurich: optimisme de mise avant l'inflation américaine jeudi AW
Bourse Zurich: la confiance reprend le dessus au cours de la matinée AW
Bourse Zurich: l'optimisme fait long feu dès les premiers échanges AW
Bourse Zurich: optimisme de mise à la veille de l'inflation US AW
Medmix cède sa filiale polonaise et révise à la baisse sa marge opérationnelle AW
Avoir Vekselberg comme actionnaire "n'est pas optimal" pour Sulzer AW
Sulzer: Suzanne Thoma prend les pleins pouvoirs AW
Résumé des principales informations économiques du jeudi 25 août 2022 AW
Sulzer: la présence de M. Vekselberg est problématique (présidente) AW
Sulzer boucle le semestre dans le rouge, plombé par la Russie AW
La Russie et la Pologne vont peser sur Sulzer AW
Le marché clément face aux dépréciations annoncées par Sulzer AW
Le président de Medmix part pour Akzonobel AW
Oerlikon cède ses activités russes à leurs cadres AW
Bourse Zurich: le SMI termine sur une note positive, un peu sous 11'500 points AW
Résumé des principales informations économiques du mardi 24 mai 2022 AW
Bourse Zurich: les craintes conjoncturelles plombent le SMI AW
Bourse Zurich: nouvel accès de faiblesse attendu à l'ouverture AW
Medmix poursuit le recours contre la fermeture de son site polonais AW
Bourse Zurich: le SMI plonge après une séance dans le rouge vif AW
Point sur les fortes variations du jour : Valneva joue aux montagnes russes, la liste des chutes est bien fournie Our Logo
Résumé des principales informations économiques du jeudi 19 mai 2022 AW
Exercice 2021/2022 positif pour Züblin en dépit des sanctions contre Vekselberg AW
Point sur les fortes variations du jour : Homeserve enfin sous OPA, Derichebourg sort de sa zone de confort Our Logo
Bourse Zurich: les indices en ordre dispersé pour l'entame de la semaine AW
Viktor Vekselberg sanctionné en Pologne, Sulzer et Medmix touchés AW
Point sur les fortes variations du jour : les autorités polonaises font chuter deux Suisses, Casino fait bien de vendre GreenYellow Our Logo
Résumé des principales informations économiques du lundi 16 mai 2022 AW
Bourse Zurich: le SMI tente une remontée AW
Bourse Zurich: le SMI en petite forme à l'ouverture AW
Bourse Zurich: ouverture attendue à l'équilibre AW
Résumé des principales informations économiques du lundi 14 mars AW
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Profils Sociétés (2)

L'ORÉAL 263 Mrd $
Logo L'Oréal

L'Oréal est le 1er groupe cosmétique mondial. Le groupe propose des produits de soins de la peau (39,9% du CA), des produits de maquillage (19,7%), des produits de soins capillaires (15,4%), des parfums (12,6%), des produits de coloration (8,3%) et autres ...

Logo Brodogradiliste Viktor Lenac d.d.

Brodogradiliste Viktor Lenac d.d. est spécialisé dans la réparation, la conversion et la rénovation de navires (tankers, navires de transport, navires de croisières, barges, navires de ravitaillement, remorqueurs, navires de forage et navires militaires) ...


Viktor Vekselberg
Viktor Vekselberg

En 1979, Viktor Vekselberg sort diplômé de la faculté d'automatisation et de génie informatique de l'Institut du transport ferroviaire de Moscou (MIIT). Il est spécialisé dans l'ingénierie des systèmes. Il poursuit ses études au Centre de Calcul de l'Académie des sciences de l'URSS.

En 1998, il fonde avec des amis mathématiciens une société baptisée KomVek (Kompanie Vekselberg), active dans le développement de logiciels et l'importation d'ordinateurs usagés. De 1991 à 1996, il est vice-directeur général de ZAO Renova qu'il a fondée avec Leonard Blavatnik. Deux tiers des actions sont détenues par KomVek et un tiers est détenu par le fonds d'investissement Access Industries appartenant à Blavatnik.

En 1996, il participe à la fondation de la Sibérian-Urals Aluminium Company (SUAL). Sous la direction de Viktor Vekselberg, Renova commence à acheter des actions de compagnies pétrolières, dont une participation majoritaire dans TNK. Un an plus tard, il devient membre du conseil d'administration de Tyumen Oil Company (TNK), puis, en avril 2002, il devient Président de TNK.

En janvier 2003, il est nommé président du conseil d'administration de SUAL-Holding. En février 2006, il annonce que la compagnie SUAL recherche un partenaire stratégique. Les négociations commencent avec son principal concurrent, Rusal, appartenant à Oleg Deripaska. Rusal et SUAL fusionnent en août 2006. Deripaska reçoit une participation de 75% dans la nouvelle société, tandis que Viktor Vekselberg obtient 25%. Le groupe fusionné commande 100% du marché de l'aluminium russe et instaure un véritable monopole. Le nouveau géant a une capacité de production de plus de 4 millions de tonnes d'aluminium par an.

En octobre 2006, Rusal et Sual fusionnent avec Glencore. La fusion se finalise en mars 2007 et donne naissance au numéro un mondial de l'aluminium : United Company Rusal. Le nouveau groupe entre en Bourse un peu plus d'un an plus tard. Le milliardaire russe Oleg Deripaska devient le principal actionnaire de la nouvelle compagnie en recevant une participation de 66%. SUAL acquiert 22% et Glencore 12%. Vekselberg devient président du conseil d'administration de la société.

En avril 2007, Vekselberg entreprend un nouveau projet ambitieux. Il décide de devenir le principal actionnaire du fonds d'investissement Pallinghurst Resources, exploité par Bryan Gilbertson. Ce fonds a acquis la légendaire marque Fabergé en 2007. Or Vekselberg est littéralement obsédé par les œufs Fabergé. C'est le plus gros collectionneur : en 2004, il achète neuf des œufs Fabergé lors d'une vente aux enchères et reçoit d'autres articles de Fabergé - broches, tabatières... La collection a été exposée au Kremlin et à Dubrovnik en 2007. Vekselberg fait régulièrement des dons à des fondations culturelles et des musées russes.

Aujourd'hui, l'empire de Viktor Vekselberg poursuit son expansion. Récemment, l'oligarque, qui détient 13,7% du groupe zurichois OC Oerlikon, a annoncé son intention d'investir 300 millions de dollars pour créer la plus grande chaîne d'hôtels en Russie. Il dirige également des projets miniers en Afrique du Sud. Selon le classement Forbes de 2011, la fortune du magnat des secteurs énergétique et métallurgique pèse 13 milliards de dollars.

En mars 2010, le président Dmitri Medvedev choisit Viktor Vekselberg pour superviser la "Silicon Valley" russe qui doit naître dans les environs de Moscou. Ce centre de technologies de pointe est censé garantir la modernisation et la diversification de l'économie russe qui repose essentiellement sur l'exploitation du pétrole et du gaz. Le projet se développerait selon cinq axes : technologies de l'énergie, technologies de l'information, télécommunications, nucléaire et technologies biomédicales.

En mars 2012, Viktor Vekselberg démissionne de son poste de président de Rusal, déclarant que le groupe russe était confronté à une "crise profonde" et qu'il croulait sous les dettes.

Photo Viktor Khmarin
Viktor Khmarin

Viktor Viktorovich Khmarin est membre du conseil d'administration de Kamchatskenergo PJSC, Magadanenergo PJSC et RAO Energy System of East PJSC et président du conseil de gestion et directeur général de Federal Hydro-Generating Co. RusHydro PJSC. M. Khmarin est titulaire d'un diplôme de premier cycle de l'université d'État de Saint-Pétersbourg.

Photo Viktor Cherepov
Viktor Cherepov

Mr. Viktor M.
Cherepov is a Chairman at PhosAgro PJSC and an Executive Vice President at The Russian Union of Industrialists & Entrepreneurs.
Mr. Cherepov was previously employed as a Deputy Chairman by Podolsk Machine-Building Factory and a Member & Professor by Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
He also served on the board at Blagosostoyanie Non State Pension Fund and Kompaniya UST-Luga.
He received his undergraduate degree from Karaganda Medical University and a doctorate degree from Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Photo Viktor Zubkov
Viktor Zubkov

Actuellement, Viktor Alexeevich Zubkov occupe le poste de président de Gazprom Lng Technologies OOO et de président de Gazprom PJSC. M. Zubkov est également membre du conseil d'administration de la société Gazprom Gas-engine Fuel LLC. Zubkov était auparavant directeur de la direction de Saint-Pétersbourg au Service fédéral des impôts de la Fédération de Russie, directeur indépendant de la Banque agricole russe OJSC et directeur général de Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo. Le Dr Zubkov a obtenu un diplôme de premier cycle de l'Université agraire d'État de Saint-Pétersbourg.

Photo Victor Belov
Victor Belov

Actuellement, Viktor Leonidovich Belov occupe le poste de directeur de la technologie et vice-président de Mobile TeleSystems PJSC.

Photo Viktor Henriksson
Viktor Henriksson

Mr. Viktor Henriksson is a Fund Manager at Carnegie Fonder AB.
He has been employed at the firm since 2005 and has worked in the industry since 1996.
Mr. Henriksson was previously employed as a Portfolio Manager by HQ Fonder Sverige AB, Hagströmer & Qviberg Fond I Fond, and an Analyst by Myrberg Securities.
He received his MSc in Business Administration from Stockholm School of Economics.

Photo Viktor Goldovsky
Viktor Goldovsky

Viktor Goldovsky formerly worked at New York Global Innovations, Inc., as Vice President-Sales & Business Development in 2012.
Dr. Goldovsky received his graduate degree from Uzhhorod National University.

Photo Viktor Lunin
Viktor Lunin

Viktor Alekseyevich Lunin is currently the Deputy Chairman-Supervisory Board at Motor-Bank PJSC and the Finance Director at Motor Sich JSC.
He graduated with an undergraduate degree from Odessa National Polytechnic University in 1974 and from Kyiv Higher Bank School Under International Centre For Market in 1995.

Photo Viktor Pinchuk
Viktor Pinchuk

Viktor Pinchuk is currently the Managing Partner at Aprel OOO.
He holds a Master's degree in Business Administration and a doctorate from Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

Photo Viktor Genrikhovich Fogel
Viktor Genrikhovich Fogel

Viktor Genrikhovich Fogel is currently the Chairman-Management Board & Director at Tsesna Corp.
JSC since 2014.
Prior to this, he was the Chief Executive Officer at Medet Holding LLC from 2006 to 2014.
He also held a position as Director at First Heartland Jusan Bank JSC.
Fogel received his undergraduate degree from Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

Photo Viktor Fedorovich Kharitonov
Viktor Fedorovich Kharitonov

Viktor Fedorovich Kharitonov has worked as a Director at Muromteplovoz OAO since 2010.

Photo Viktor Vasilyevich Kudryavy
Viktor Vasilyevich Kudryavy

Dr. Viktor V.
Kudryavy is Independent Director at ROSSETI PJSC.
He is on the Board of Directors at ROSSETI PJSC.
Dr. Kudryavy also served on the board at Federal Hydro-Generating Co. RusHydro PJSC.
He received his undergraduate degree from Ivanovo Energy Institute, an undergraduate degree from The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy & Public, and an undergraduate degree from Moscow State Open University Chernomyrdina.

Photo Viktor Sigl
Viktor Sigl

Viktor Sigl currently works at KTM Components GmbH, as Deputy Chairman-Supervisory Board, GASGAS Motorcycles GmbH, as Co-Managing Director, KTM-Sportmotorcycle AG, as Member-Executive Board, KTM AG, as Head-Finance, Treasury, Controlling & HR, KTM North America, Inc., as General Manager, Husqvarna Motorcycles GmbH, as General Manager, KTM Immobilien GmbH, as General Manager, WP Performance Systems GmbH, as Member-Supervisory Board, W Verwaltungs AG, as Member-Executive Board, PIERER Mobility AG, as Chief Financial Officer from 2019, Ktm österreich GmbH, as General Manager, Zhejiang CFMOTO-KTMR2R Motorcycles Co., Ltd, as Member-Supervisory Board, KTM Logistikzentrum GmbH, as General Manager, and KTM Beteiligungs GmbH, as General Manager.
Mr. Sigl also formerly worked at SGS Industrial Services GmbH, as Managing Director, voestalpine AG, as Head-Corporate Tax & Finance Advisory, Energie AG Oberösterreich, as Member-Supervisory Board, and PIERER E-Bikes GmbH, as Member-Supervisory Board.
Mr. Sigl received his undergraduate degree from Johannes Kepler Universität Linz.

Photo Viktor Vladimirovich Bocherikov
Viktor Vladimirovich Bocherikov

Viktor Vladimirovich Bocherikov is currently the Deputy Chairman at Dorogobuzh PJSC since 2015 and the Chairman at Dorogobuzhskii Polimer since 2007.
He previously worked as the Director General & Director at Katalizator OAO from 2007 to 2014, the Director General at Dorogobuzhremstroy from 2009 to 2015, and the Director at Promyshlenno-Torgovaya Shveynaya Firma.
Elegant OAO from 2003 to 2014.
Bocherikov obtained his undergraduate degree from St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology in 1974 and another undergraduate degree from D.
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia in 1983.

Photo Viktor Mikhaylovich Khvesenya
Viktor Mikhaylovich Khvesenya

Viktor Mikhaylovich Khvesenya is currently the Director at Zavolzhsky Engine Plant PJSC, Director & Director-Legal Affairs at Sollers PJSC, Director General at Sollers Far East LLC, and Director at Sollers Ford Holding LLC.
He previously worked as the Director at Zavolzhsky Engine Plant PJSC from 2010 to 2011, Director at Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant LLC from 2014 to 2015, and Legal Director at Amedia Group.
Mr. Khvesenya obtained a graduate degree from Case Western Reserve University in 1993 and an undergraduate degree from Belarusian State University in 1984.

Photo Viktor Vladimirovich Shapovalov
Viktor Vladimirovich Shapovalov

Viktor Vladimirovich Shapovalov served as the Chairman of Sibirskiy Cement JSC from 2014 to 2015.
He obtained an undergraduate degree from Kemerovo State University in 1997.

Photo Viktor Klima
Viktor Klima

Viktor Klima served as President & CEO of Volkswagen Argentina SA from 2000 to 2012.
Prior to that, he was a Member of the Management Board at Head NV from 2000 to 2010.
He also served as a Member of the Executive Board at OMV AG from 1969 to 1992.
Klima received his undergraduate degrees from the University of Vienna and Technische Universität Wien.

Photo Viktor Mahhov
Viktor Mahhov

Viktor Mahhov currently works at Scandagra Eesti AS, as Finance Director and ICE Credit Goup, as Member-Supervisory Board.
Mr. Mahhov also formerly worked at Ekspress Grupp AS, as Chairman-Supervisory Board from 2006 to 2016, Hansa Investments, as Associate Director, Voru Juust AS, as Chief Financial Officer, and Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Co. SA, as Manager-Financial Services.
Mr. Mahhov received his graduate degree in 1992 from State University of St. Petersburg.

Photo Viktor Lindeberg
Viktor Lindeberg

Viktor Lindeberg is currently the Head of Small Cap Research at Carnegie Investment Bank AB since 2021.
Prior to this, he worked as the Head of Investor Relations at Intrum AB and as a Research Analyst at Carnegie Investment Bank AB.

Photo Viktor Gennadyevich Khoroshavtsev
Viktor Gennadyevich Khoroshavtsev

Viktor Gennadyevich Khoroshavtsev is currently the Director at Sistema-Invest OAO.
Previously, he held positions such as Chairman at Ufaneftekhim JSC, Ufaorgsintez PJSC, Bashkirnefteproduct OAO, and Petrarko PJSC.
He also served as the Director at Novo-Ufimsky Refinery OJSC and as the President at Bashneft PJSOC.

Photo Viktor Nikolayevich Solostovsky
Viktor Nikolayevich Solostovsky

Viktor Nikolayevich Solostovsky worked as the Deputy General Director-Capital Construction at Rosseti Volga PJSC from 2009 to 2012.
He obtained an undergraduate degree from Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov in 1973.

Photo Viktor Mikhaylovich Melnikov
Viktor Mikhaylovich Melnikov

Viktor Mikhaylovich Melnikov is currently working as the Chief Accountant at Lomo JSC since 1993.
He completed his undergraduate degree from Saint Petersburg State University of Economics in 1975.

Photo Viktor Stanislavovich Svyatecky
Viktor Stanislavovich Svyatecky

Viktor Stanislavovich Svyatecky is currently the Deputy Director General-Chief Operating Officer at Atomredmetzoloto OAO, Director at Edinaya Servisnaya Kompaniya Armz, and Director at Vnipipromtechnologii OJSC.
Previously, he worked as the Deputy General Director & Production Director at Priargunsky Mining & Chemical Association OJSC from 1987 to 2007, and as the Executive Director at the same company from 2008 to 2011.

Photo Viktor Khristenko
Viktor Khristenko

Viktor Borisovich Khristenko is currently the Deputy Chief Executive Officer-Human Resources at Uralvagonzavod Research & Production Corp.
He previously served as the Chairman of Unified Energy Systems of Russia OAO, Chairman of Inter RAO UES PJSC, Director of Russian Railways OJSC, Director of Sollers PJSC, and as a Member-Supervisory Board of Rostec Corp.
and Rusnano OJSC.
Additionally, he briefly served as the Chairman of the Government of Russia in 2004.

Photo Viktor Matveevich Ioffe
Viktor Matveevich Ioffe

Viktor Matveevich Ioffe currently works as a Logistics Director for Orsknefteorgsintez PJSC.

Photo Viktor Ivanovich Abarin
Viktor Ivanovich Abarin

Viktor Ivanovich Abarin is currently the Managing Director at Mechel-Steel Management OOO since 2008.
Prior to this, he worked as the Managing Director & Director at Urals Stampings Plant PAO.
Abarin completed his undergraduate degree from South Ural State University.

Photo Viktor Yevgenyevich Grigoryev
Viktor Yevgenyevich Grigoryev

Viktor Yevgenyevich Grigoryev is currently the Chairman at Nasionalny Kosmichesky Bank OAO, Director at Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant JSC, and Director at Moscow Machine Building Plant Vpered JSC.
Previously, he was the Director at S.P.
Korolev Rocket & Space Corp.
Energia OJSC from 2011 to 2012 and Director at Ramenskoye Design Co. JSC.

Photo Viktor Nikolayevich Perzhenitsa
Viktor Nikolayevich Perzhenitsa

Mr. Viktor N.
Perzhenitsa is Deputy Director General-Chief Engineer at Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Leningrad Region JSC.

Photo Viktor Wågström
Viktor Wågström

Viktor Wågström is currently the Director at Tradedoubler Ltd.
and Co-Managing Director at TradeDoubler GmbH.
He was previously the Chief Financial Officer at TradeDoubler AB.
Prior to that, he worked as the Group Treasurer & Business Controller at Cision AB from 2009 to 2015.
Mr. Wågström completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Stockholm.

Photo Viktor Ivanovich Nesterov
Viktor Ivanovich Nesterov

Viktor Ivanovich Nesterov is currently working as an Independent Director at Trest Sevenergostroy PJSC and as a Director at Soyuzpetrostroy-Standart A KSK SRO.
Previously, he held the position of Director General & Director at Trest Sevenergostroy PJSC.
He obtained an undergraduate degree from The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy & Public in 1988 and another undergraduate degree from Samara State University of Architecture & Civil Engineering in 1965.

Photo Viktor Alexandrovich Zelentsov
Viktor Alexandrovich Zelentsov

Viktor Alexandrovich Zelentsov currently works as a Chief Accountant at National Helicopter Center Mil & Kamov JSC.

Photo Viktor Grygorovych Spaskyi
Viktor Grygorovych Spaskyi

Viktor Grygorovych Spaskyi is currently working as an Agribusiness Director at UkrLandFarming Plc.
Previously, he worked as the Chairman-Supervisory Board at Dakor West PJSC.

Photo Viktor Mikhaylovich Shatalin
Viktor Mikhaylovich Shatalin

Viktor Mikhaylovich Shatalin is an Independent Director at Ashinskiy Metallurgical Works PJSC.
He graduated with an undergraduate degree from Ufa State Aviation Technical University in 1978.

Photo Viktor Mykhaylovych Busko
Viktor Mykhaylovych Busko

Viktor Mykhaylovych Busko is currently the Director-Electrotyazhmash at Ukrenergymachines JSC.
He was previously the Director General at Zaporizhzhya Refractory in 2014.
He obtained an undergraduate degree from Priazovsky State Technical University.

Photo Viktor Stanislavovich Yanin
Viktor Stanislavovich Yanin

Viktor Stanislavovich Yanin served as the Chairman-Management Board & Director at MOSCOVSKIY OBLASTNOI BANK PJSC.
He holds a doctorate degree from the Russian Academy of Sciences, which he received in 2008, and an undergraduate degree from the All Russian Distance Institute of Finance & Economics, which he received in 2002.

Photo Viktor Speckinger
Viktor Speckinger

Viktor Speckinger is currently a Private Equity Partner at Unigestion Holding and a Managing Partner at Sienna Capital Management SA. Previously, he worked as a Partner at Akina Ltd.
from 2010 to 2017, with his last title being Partner from 2016 to 2017.

Photo Viktor Grigoryevich Belkin
Viktor Grigoryevich Belkin

Viktor Grigoryevich Belkin is currently a Member-Supervisory Board at Far Eastern University since 2011.
He was previously a Deputy Chairman at Primorye Commercial Bank JSC.
He obtained his undergraduate degree from Saint Petersburg State University of Economics in 1972.

Photo Viktor Timoshilov
Viktor Timoshilov

Viktor Timoshilov currently works as a Director at Daltransgaz OAO.

Photo Viktor Nikolayevich Borodin
Viktor Nikolayevich Borodin

Viktor Nikolayevich Borodin is currently the Chairman at Magadanenergo PJSC.
Prior to this, he was the Director at Yakutskenergo PJSC from 2017 to 2022 and the Deputy Director General & Chief Engineer at RAO Energy System of East PJSC from 2012 to 2017.
He received his undergraduate degree from Ural Federal University in 1982.

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  2. Recherche avancée
  3. Viktor Vekselberg